Every business goal is to close deals during the shortest period of time - and too long sales cycles prevent you from making the sales. By looking at Sales Cycle report you might notice the bottlenecks of your sales pipeline and come up with the action plan on how to shorten the whole sales cycle. Along with the Sales Cycle report, it is very useful to take a look at Sales Movement report where you will see how active deal's opportunities move through your sales cycle. Also, you might reconsider the length of every sales stage and shorten them in order to push your salesperson to make faster decisions to close the deal on time. The length of the sale stage can be adjusted from the Insight section.
Note: Sales Cycle report is available for Enterprise Plan users only.
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To access the report navigate to Insights module > Sales Pipeline > Sales Cycle
Sales Cycle report gives you insights into how long is your sales process! On the top line of the report, there is an average length calculated by days, hours and even minutes for the period selected. Lower - there are your sales funnel stages and calculated the time of how long the deal stays in a particular stage.
By clicking on the button "Adjust stage duration" you will see the comparison of the duration set in the settings and the actual duration. The stage duration can be changed from the Insights. Note: If the stage duration will be shortened, the deals currently added to the pipeline might be displayed as late to close.
At the bottom of the report, you can filter the sales cycle report by tag, sales pipeline, and employee.
For more information please visit our blog:
Teamgate Blog: How to stop being the second best in sales?
Teamgate Blog: 5 most important sales metrics you need to focus on today!