- Login to Teamgate CRM using your Google or LinkedIn accounts.
- Optimized Leads conversion to a Contact or/and Company time. The process became faster.
- Changed the style of file's title. From now on it is showing full file title.
- New feature to enter a description when creating task and call. Create events straight from calendar
- From now on it is available to make a call from Agenda. Agenda
- Fixed issue, that caused to duplicate completed calls on the Dashboard.
- Updated Won/Lost insights report. From now on it is available to analyze results by sum. Insights > Sales results > Won/Lost Sales Results: Won/Lost
- Updated "Deals by Country" and "Leads by Country" reports. It is now available to filter Deals by State. Insights > Marketing > Deals by Country. Marketing: Leads by Country report
Data migration
- Implemented a feature to import Leads, Contacts and Companies using VCF file format. This allows to migrate data from MAC address book, Google contacts, etc. Import & Export